
Thursday, July 22, 2004

Changes in latitudes

alright, forgive the jimmy buffett reference. i am, actually changing latitudes and longitudes of my destination. tahiti: out. india: in. stupid french and their stupid bureaucracy. and the stupid people who i am supposed to work for being stupid and refusing to claim me as an employee.

deep breath.

so instead, india! and hopefully france! to live with rosemary's sister! two blocks from the sacre coeur!!!!!

oh lord. i've got to stop, as the exclamation points are threatening to outnumber the letters in this post. more when i'm relaxed.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

movies for movie people

just got back from I, Robot. a few thoughts on it:
thought the first: Will Smith is hot. so hot. center of the sun hot. Hotterthanjustinlucas hot. and you get to see his scrumptious booty in a shower shot at the beginning. it's incredible.
thought the second: there were a few things that could have been cleaned up but would have made the movie lots longer.
thought the third: want to see it again.
seriously, will smith is a smart man when it comes to action movies. bad boys, independence day, and now I, Robot.
And on to the Asimovness: this is NOT I, Robot. not by a long shot. oh, yes, it's set in the world of the novel, and Susan Calvin's there alright. but this would be like if the Kiwis had made a romantic comedy and Legolas was one of the characters and then called it Lord of the Rings. ridiculous. but still quite a good film, enough to make me think good ole isaac would have liked it.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

lost to the vortex of late night movies...

last night, i was about to go to bed when i flipped to Sliding Doors, that gwenyth paltrow romance what if story, fantastic in that gwen falls for a guy whose main humour is repeating monty python sketches... and two hours later, i had watched the whole thing. i had forgotten how much i like that movie. i mean, i know, the basic ideology (mythology?) of true love being this fatedesignated thing, that she would find happiness in the end through this man completing her, it's all too nineteen fifties for words. and yet. and yet and yet and yet...

i love it. i love the clever premise of dual existences. i love the surprise twist that totally undermines all your hopes for her only to show that the missing of the train was the better choice. i love that the character has some vague premonitionlike remembrance (a remonition, perhaps?) of her parallel possiblities. and i love how normal everyone looks. no one in the film, not even gwenyth paltrow, looks stunningly gorgeous. especially ms. paltrow, actually, as she looks alarmingly thin in the scene she is meant to look the most beautiful. (hehe.) (but really it's not just jealousy. she's got this black dress on that fairly swims about her bony sternum.)

the upshot of all of this being, now i'm super tired. all for a movie i could probably buy for twelve bucks and be able to watch when i please. you think at this point in my 'adult' life, i could weigh the benefits of re-watching a movie to much needed rest. but apparently not.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Summer breeze makes me feel fine

if only there were a breeze here. the air is the consistency of soup. seriously, you know when you take a really hot shower in a really small bathroom with the door closed, and when you get out of the shower it's impossible to dry off because the air is so wet that it just starts condensing on your skin the moment you move the towel away? that's what it feels like here. what i'd give for an ocean breeze.

was talking with a college friend the other day who was complaining about the difficulty of meeting people in the real world. (i.e. not in classes/college parties.) now, i gave a few suggestions, and her response was 'oh, you're good at meeting people.' which is interesting, since i hang out with approximately two people these days, and them not so much. really, my main social interaction is the phone and the occasional internet chat.

all of this would worry me more if i wasn't so happy to be doing nothing. i really don't feel like drinking these days (unless it's some iced drink. long islands, maybe). i really do like hanging out with my four year old. this week, i think, i'm going to keep her up late on friday to teach her about the stars, the universe, etc. what could be better?

of course, if anyone out there would LIKE to organize some social event for me...maybe this is all just post-college detox. four years of liver abuse and constant friend-making takes a toll on a woman.

Monday, July 12, 2004


day off, first one in ten. have done nothing. has been fabulous.

let's just get this straight - i have a great job. i play with a four year old who loves movies. but. it's tiring having a child, especially when you don't really have a child. i mean, for serious this family spends like NO time with their daughter(s), and it's just...weird. anyway, the girl is sweet and fun and, well, a kid. so it's nice to not be there all the time.

think i am turning into a thoroughly boring person, as i haven't really done anything of interest of late. boo. need to start a wild love affair, or perhaps some international intrigue. that would spice my summer right up. or perhaps i'll just go see Garden State, which i'm very excited about.
Franz Marc

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