
Wednesday, April 14, 2004

internet sketch artist

as roommate shannon says, "interenet people are sketch." such truth. But. i did met someone. sort of. well, i haven't technically MET him, or anything. we just emailed and messaged and last night talked on the phone ALL NIGHT. literally. and you know what? this particular internet sketch artist is articulate, funny, self-aware, caring and very very smart. and PROGRESSIVE. which is so exciting, a man who thinks ... the way i think everyone should think. it's so sexy. oh, and he's younger than i am, which is so so so weird. i've only ever hung out with one younger kid in my life, and he was a dying rock god. supertalented, superselfdestructive. incredibly attractive combination.

i just read that last bit over and realized how incredibly sad and wrong it is. will from now on be involved in relationships comprised exclusively of healthy, happy, well adjusted people.

just read THAT bit and realized that i couldn't be involved in said relationships. curses, foiled again.

was talking with a friend tonight whom i would like to hook up with another friend, and he was using said friend's vocabulary mannerisms. (granted, 'tricksy' is not way out there these days, but still.) and also was asking if i wanted to be involved in an activity that is EXACTLY what said friend asked if would do. not sure how to pull this off. excited by the prospect. the song from fiddler in the roof running through my head.

Landlord=evil. School=taxing. Me=done with it all.

Monday, April 12, 2004


i have, finally, actually written down a script for my animation. which is due next week. thanks to Shannon, i'm also getting sound equipment. thanks to Ti, i feel like my script isn't complete shit. (at least twice in my 10 page script, her note was 'HA'.) Had a lovely brunch w/ the fam this morning. Talked with my mom this aft., which pretty much made me freak out about the amount of work i have to do before i get the hell out of here. stupid classes, with their 'requirements' and 'readings' and 'assignments'.

Can i hire someone to fulfill my obligations, you think? i have never been so tempted to simply run off, laughing hysterically, into the darkness.

Cool thing: am on this site, okcupid, cause it's fun. and have posted an ad for guinness that shannon (other shannon) made for her design class with my face on it. and some guy from ohio wants to pay us to blow up the photo and put it in his bar. WOW! I'm the Face of Guinness! in Ohio! Hee. My brother will be so proud.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Insure me!

Trolling for medical insurance online. To balance the boring, I'm also trolling for men. Geez, who knew there were so many options? (insurance, not the men.) you know, the second i have the money for it, i'm gonna have a personal assistant who will do all this crap for me.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Where oh where did my college career go, where oh where could it be?

Oh, that's right. permanantly eradicated by certain nights of heavy drinking. etc. Well, realized today that i have a project due in two weeks (two weeks and under 16hrs, at this point) and i haven't started it. and by started it i mean animated a single frame. yeah, this is gonna be the craftiest procrastination yet, if i pull it off. if. IF.

on other fronts: went to OC today to see my cousin (see how i did that? OC? sans the 'the'? it's not the orange county, as in a county that is orange, it's Orange County. just like it's not The Los Angeles, or The California.) who is recovering from an emergency removal of a vestigal organ (appendix). seems to be cheery and on her way, as today was her first day of solid foods. Has three scars - apparently they did the surgery laproscopically (so my dad explained), so instead of one big scar cutting through her abs, they went around the muscles and used a scope. i'm telling you, man, doctoring sounds like a lot of fun.

and last night, i couldn't sleep, so i was messing around on OKcupid.com. and i pressed that little button that says '3 woos left'? yeh, what it does is send an email to the person you were looking at when you wooed. telling them that you wooed them. so then i had to compose some sort of email to apologize/properly hit on this guy...(grad student in Washington, totally someone i would date, so i guess it's not a total loss). stupid internet, outing me. but he is pretty. and from the looks of his profile, funny. so who knows, maybe the stupid internet will garner me a great penpal i can meet up with in eight months for a torrid and short lived love affair. i should be ready for one by then.

tomorrow: class. reading response. class. walking with shannon. another reading response. and somewhere in there, i need to cash a bunch of checks, and pay an electricity bill, and, oh, animate a few minutes of my soon to be due project. OH, and if anyone can tell me how to 1) record sound and input it into my computer in a way that won't sound like shit or cost me a lot of money and 2) edit sound in flash, i would much appreciate it.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Good Day

Advice for the masses: Don't take xenadrine AND a vitamin on an empty stomach.

Otherwise, fabulous day. ESOTSM. again. and loved every second of it.

Friday, April 02, 2004

old before my time

getting drunk and hitting on marginally attractive and mildly interesting people no longer amuses me. and my roommates coming home at 1:45 AM and making loud conversation in the kitchen whilst concocting "white people tacos"? (and no, i don't really know what that means, and i refused to go to the kitchen and check) that is not amusing either. Jeebus i need to be out of college.

oh ha. Shannon just proclaimed an edict in the kitchen (which is to say about 3 feet from my pillow): "No More Disagreeing With Shannon!" Oh that Shannon. Drunk Shannon does not annoy me the way most drunk people do. Alright. I love my roommates again.

ESOTSM (n): the writing school of fairly esoteric and highly intellectual screenplays characterized by Charlie Kaufman.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Self Righteous

and hungry. but s'ok, cause shannon and i had a lovely walk, with 10 lovely sets of stairs, so my self-righteousness outweighs my propensity for snacking. and The OC was ... well, actually, it wasn't very good. dissapointing, in fact. What's with this non-payoff nonsense of us not getting to see Summer ask even ONE of the Four Questions? and honestly, the entire Teresa plotline sucks. Not Teresa, i think that actress does a pretty good job. but Eric Balfour's talent is sadly wasted on an underdeveloped character. and seriously, the Marissa/Teresa friendship thing is one thing, but the Teresa allowing some crazy rich bitch high schooler to stay in her house? Indefinitely? Whatever. I'm gonna let it go cause 1) it's tv and 2) the next episode looks better. I just get frustrated that a show can be so good and so awful all in the same season.
Franz Marc

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